Scale by Width


Scale down by given width parameter and keep original aspect ratio

using System.Drawing;
using LazZiya.ImageResize;

// use using to dispose the image after resize and free memory
using (var img = Image.FromFile(@"wwwroot\images\istanbul-panoramic.jpg"))
Result image size 600x228

Scale by Height


Scale down by given height parameter and keep original aspect ratio

using (var img = Image.FromFile(@"wwwroot\images\istanbul-panoramic.jpg"))
Result image size: 786x300



Auto scale down image till longest border is equal to the target dimension and keep original aspect ratio

using (var img = Image.FromFile(@"wwwroot\images\istanbul-panoramic.jpg"))
    img.Scale(600, 400)

Result image size: 600x228

Scale and crop


Scale down by width and height till shortest border is equal to the requested value, then crop the extras. Final image will have the exact given new width and height but could have different aspect ratio depending on new dimensions.

using (var img = Image.FromFile(@"wwwroot\images\istanbul-panoramic.jpg"))
    img.ScaleAndCrop(600, 400)
Result image size: 600x400

Scale and crop target spot


By default ScaleAndCrop will target the image center. Additionally it is possible to specify different area of the image to be scaled/cropped and generate the final result. You can choose from pre-defined 9 spots (3 rows, 3 columns) using TargetSpot attribute

using (var img = Image.FromFile(@"wwwroot\images\istanbul-panoramic.jpg"))
    img.ScaleAndCrop(600, 400, TargetSpot.MiddleRight)
Result image size: 600x400



Crop the image by given sizes.

using (var img = Image.FromFile(@"wwwroot\images\istanbul-panoramic.jpg"))
    img.Crop(600, 600)
Result image size: 600x600

Crop target spot


Crop specified spot from the the image by given sizes. By default image center will be cropped, but it is possible to target different area of the image to be cropped:

using (var img = Image.FromFile(@"wwwroot\images\istanbul-panoramic.jpg"))
    img.Crop(600, 600, TargetSpot.BottomRight)
Result image size: 600x600

Text Watermark


Add text watermark to the image. In below sample first I will resize the image then add text watermark to the resized image.

using (var img = Image.FromFile(@"wwwroot\images\istanbul-panoramic.jpg"))
    img.Crop(500, 500)
Result image size: 500x500

Text Watermark Options


Use TextWatermarkOptions to customize settings of the text watermark.

var twmOps = new TextWatermarkOptions
    Location = TargetSpot.TopRight,

    FontSize = 50,

    FontName = "Edwardian Script ITC",

    // Text with red color and half opacity
    TextColor = Color.FromArgb(200, Color.Red),

    // Use alpha channel to specify color opacity
    // e.g. use 0 opacity to disable drawing the outline
    OutlineColor = Color.FromArgb(0, Color.White),

using (var img = Image.FromFile(@"wwwroot\images\istanbul-panoramic.jpg"))
    img.Crop(500, 500)
        .AddTextWatermark("", twmOps)
Result image

Image Watermark


Draw image watermark over the image. First we will resize the image to 500x500 then watermark will be applied.

using (var img = Image.FromFile(@"wwwroot\images\istanbul-panoramic.jpg"))
    var iwm = Image.FromFile(@"wwwroot\images\wm.png");

    img.Crop(500, 500)

Result image

Image Watermark Opitons


Use ImageWatermarkOptions to customize settings of the image watermark.

var iwmOps = new ImageWatermarkOptions
    Location = TargetSpot.BottomRight,
    // 0 full transparent, 100 full color
    Opacity = 50,

using (var img = Image.FromFile(@"wwwroot\images\istanbul-panoramic.jpg"))
    var iwm = Image.FromFile(@"wwwroot\images\wm.png");

    img.Crop(500, 500)
        .AddImageWatermark(iwm, iwmOps)

Result image

If you need to resize the watermark, use same pethods to resize it then save it to the disc and then use Image.FromFile as described above.

Combining resize settings


As mentioned earlier, all methods can be chained together to provide easily image processing.

Additionally, LazZiya.ImageResize supports multilingual texts as shown below.

var twmOps = new TextWatermarkOptions
    Location = TargetSpot.Center,

    FontSize = 35,

    FontStyle = FontStyle.Bold,

    // Don't draw text
    TextColor = Color.FromArgb(0, Color.White),

    // Draw outline only, alpha (0 - 255)
    OutlineColor = Color.FromArgb(125, Color.BlueViolet),

    OutlineWidth = 2

var iwmOps = new ImageWatermarkOptions
    Location = TargetSpot.BottomMiddle,
    // 0 full transparent, 100 full color
    Opacity = 30,

using (var img = Image.FromFile(@"wwwroot\images\istanbul-panoramic.jpg"))
    var iwm = Image.FromFile(@"wwwroot\images\wm.png");

    img.Crop(500, 500)
        .AddImageWatermark(iwm, iwmOps)
        .AddTextWatermark("Türkçe 中國 العربية", twmOps)
